Our Vision
To become South Africa’s best provider of ICT skills
Our Mission
Inspire South African youth to pursue ICT skills in order to reach their full potential

Company Background
Aspire College was founded in the year 2020. What makes Aspire College notable is that it was founded by a team of ICT professionals that are practicing in the industry and have a passion for sharing knowledge. These two qualities allow Aspire College to follow a hands-on approach that is aligned to industries constant changing needs.

National Certificate: Information Technology End User Computing
Equip learners with end-user computing and communication skills for related work duties.
- Duration: 12 Months
- NQF Level: 3
- Credits: 130

National Certificate: Information Technology Systems Development
Customized IT systems are developed and integrated with different database management systems.
- Duration: 12 Months
- NQF Level: 5
- Credits: 131

National Certificate: Information Technology Systems Support
Provides understanding of the importance of technology in the business context and how to solve challenges encountered
- Duration: 12 Months
- NQF Level: 5
- Credits: 147

Further Education & Training Certificate: Information Technology Technical Support
Foundational IT - technical support skills are taught, thereby gaining entrance to Systems Support in the Higher Education
- Duration: 18 Months
- NQF Level: 4
- Credits: 163

Further Education and Training Certificate: Information Technology Systems Development
Provides basic knowledge about the relevant SDLC lifecycle and implementing it in systems development projects.
- Duration: 12 Months
- NQF Level: 4
- Credits: 165

National Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing
Equip learners with end-user computing and enhance communication skills for related work duties.
- Duration: 12 Months
- NQF Level: 3
- Credits: 130

National Certificate: Information Technology Systems Development
Customized IT systems are developed and integrated with different database management systems.
- Duration: 12 Months
- NQF Level: 5
- Credits: 131

National Certificate: Information Technology Systems Support
Provides understanding of the importance of technology in the business context and how to solve challenges encountered
- Duration: 12 Months
- NQF Level: 5
- Credits: 147

Further Education & Training Certificate: Information Technology: Technical Support
Foundational IT - technical support skills are built, thereby gaining entrance to Systems Support in the Higher Education
- Duration: 18 Months
- NQF Level: 4
- Credits: 163

Further Education and Training Certificate: Information Technology: Systems Development
Provides basic knowledge about the relevant SDLC lifecycle and implementing it in systems development projects.
- Duration: 12 Months
- NQF Level: 4
- Credits: 165